
Advantages of Watermelon Cultivation in Indonesia

Advantages of Watermelon Cultivation in Indonesia Watermelon is a fruit that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, which also includes cucumbers,…

2 years ago

10 Best Watermelon Seed Types in Indonesia

Watermelon is a very popular fruit among Indonesians because it tastes sweet, and crunchy, contains a lot of water and…

2 years ago

13 Types of the Best Melon Seeds in Indonesia

To cultivate melons on a large scale, it is better to buy reliable melon seeds or quality melon seeds. One…

2 years ago

Cheap Hybrid Corn 2023

Definition of Hybrid Corn Hybrid corn itself is one type of corn that has the first offspring of cross-breeding between…

2 years ago

17th Anniversary of PT. Benih Citra Asia 2023

Commemoration of the company's birthday which is an important celebration to commemorate the inception of the company. There are many…

2 years ago

Kunjungan Al Habib Ali Bin Abdulloh Al Aydrus, Imam Masjid Assegaf dari Tarim

Kunjungan Al Habib Ali Bin Abdulloh Al Aydrus, Imam Masjid Assegaf dari Tarim Beliau adalah Al-Habib Ali bin Abdillah Alaydrus…

2 years ago

Kunjungan KH. Muhammad Thoifur Mawardi di PT Benih Citra Asia Jember

Kunjungan KH. Muhammad Thoifur Mawardi selaku pendiri dan pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Darut Tauhid Beliau merupakan sosok kyai yang tidak biasa…

2 years ago

Promosi Benih Jagung Betras 9 merk Bintang Asia

Promosi Benih Jagung Betras 9 merk Bintang Asia Pada acara Farm Field Day yang diselenggarakan di kecamatan kunir kabupaten Lumajang,…

2 years ago

Mr. Mike’s visit from Thailand

Tuesday, August 23, 2022, PT. Benih Citra Asia has a special guest from the Land of the White Elephant, Thailand.…

2 years ago

The Distribution of Zakat Maal and Compensation by PT. Benih Citra Asia in Welcoming the Month of Ramadan 1443 H

The Distribution of Zakat Maal and Compensation by PT. Benih Citra Asia in Welcoming the Month of Ramadan 1443 H…

3 years ago