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H. Slamet Sulistiyono, SP.

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Benih Unggul Bintang asiA. Terima kasih atas kepercayaan pelanggan pengguna dan penyalur produk Bintang asiA atas kesetiaannya pada produk Bintang asiA. Tim Riset PT. Benih Citra Asia terus bekerja keras dalam meneliti dan mengembangkan varietas-varietas baru yang lebih unggul, produksi tinggi, umur genjah, tahan hama penyakit serta virus, tahan cuaca ekstrim, tahan transportasi jarak jauh dan kemudahan dalam budidaya.


5 Key Ways to Select the Perfect Sweet Corn Seeds

Sweet corn, with its deliciously sweet taste and versatility in culinary delights, is a beloved crop for many gardeners and farmers alike. However, the success of growing quality sweet corn starts with choosing the right

Jagung manis

Exploring the Bountiful Benefits of Cultivating Sweet Corn

Sweet corn, with its golden kernels bursting with flavor, holds

How to Cultivate Cantaloupe Fruit

Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon or rockmelon, is a type

Maintaining a Compost Heap

Many folks that hold gardens have a big quantity of

how to choose the correct melon seeds

Melon Seed is ? Melon seeds are the seeds of

Hama & Penyakit

Understanding Anthracnose Disease: A Concern for Chili Farmers

Understanding Anthracnose Disease: A Concern for Chili Farmers Anthracnose disease poses a significant threat to

Types of melon plant pests

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