Membongkar Rahasia Panen Jagung Pakan Melimpah: Panduan Lengkap dari Akar Hingga Tongkol Jagung pakan, si primadona peternakan, tak henti memikat para pembudidaya dengan potensi keuntungannya yang menjanjikan. Namun, di balik tongkol emasnya, terbentang petualangan budidaya yang tak selalu mudah. Artikel ini hadir bagaikan peta harta karun, mengantarkan Anda menguak rahasiaContinue Reading

Menjelajahi Keistimewaan Mentimun Camri F1 Di tengah hiruk pikuk kehidupan modern, kesegaran alam bagaikan oase yang menyejukkan. Salah satu anugerah alam yang patut disyukuri adalah mentimun, si hijau renyah yang kaya manfaat. Bagi para pecinta bercocok tanam, mentimun Camri F1 dari Bintang Asia hadir bagaikan permata tersembunyi, siap memanjakan lidahContinue Reading

Keuntungan Budidaya Tanaman Mentimun Budidaya tanaman mentimun memiliki banyak keuntungan yang menarik bagi petani, baik dari segi ekonomi maupun ekologi. Tanaman ini terkenal mudah ditanam dan cepat panen, membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang ideal bagi mereka yang baru memulai di bidang pertanian. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas 8 Keuntungan BudidayaContinue Reading

Kebutuhan Benih Mentimun per Hektar, Strategi Optimalisasi Produksi Mentimun (Cucumis sativus) adalah salah satu sayuran yang populer di Indonesia. Selain disukai karena rasanya yang segar, mentimun juga memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang beragam. Untuk para petani yang ingin menanam mentimun secara optimal, penting untuk mengetahui berapa banyak benih yang dibutuhkan perContinue Reading

The Success Story of Mr. Mujiono in Jember: A Great Chili Farmer Who Could Afford a Car Mr. Mujiono, a farmer living in a remote village in East Java, has made a name for himself in the agricultural world with his success in growing large chilies. His perseverance and dedicationContinue Reading

Bootcamp Bintang asiA 2024 PT. Benih Citra Asia Calling! For you, influencers who have interests, talents, and content segmentation in the agriculture world. Get ready to be part of the Bintang asiA Influencer Bootcamp 2024.   What is the Bintang asiA Influencer Bootcamp 2024? Bintang asiA Influencer Bootcamp 2024 isContinue Reading

Understanding Anthracnose Disease: A Concern for Chili Farmers Anthracnose disease poses a significant threat to chili farmers, causing distress and concern within their agricultural endeavors. Familiarizing oneself with this disease is imperative for safeguarding chili crops and preserving farmers’ livelihoods. Let’s delve into the nuances of Anthracnose disease and itsContinue Reading

What type of Sweet Corn is the sweetest? The sweet corn variety “ROMANZA F1” is renowned for its exceptional sweet taste and soft texture. This variety was developed through selective breeding to produce higher sugar content and retain its sweet taste longer after harvest. The sweetness of supersweet corn comesContinue Reading

Sweet corn, which is usually known as a savory dish, turns out to be able to metamorphose into a delicious and refreshing sweet dish. One interesting creation is making sweet corn pudding. The process of processing sweet corn into pudding is suitable for making a soft dessert, with a distinctiveContinue Reading

Sweet corn, with its deliciously sweet taste and versatility in culinary delights, is a beloved crop for many gardeners and farmers alike. However, the success of growing quality sweet corn starts with choosing the right seeds. Here are five essential ways to choose the perfect sweet corn seeds: Understanding SweetContinue Reading