Cucumber is a plant that is closely related to watermelon, winter melon, and cantaloupe. This plant is highly dependent on water to produce sweet, crisp fruits with a firm texture throughout. Cucumber is considered a difficult plant to cultivate from seed sowing, vegetative, and generative periods until harvest. Learning fromContinue Reading

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a significant crop in the agricultural sector. Apart from being a popular vegetable around the world, cucumbers also have various benefits that contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of agriculture. Here are some of the benefits of cucumber in agriculture: 1. Short Harvest Period Crop CucumberContinue Reading

Menjelajahi Keistimewaan Mentimun Camri F1 Di tengah hiruk pikuk kehidupan modern, kesegaran alam bagaikan oase yang menyejukkan. Salah satu anugerah alam yang patut disyukuri adalah mentimun, si hijau renyah yang kaya manfaat. Bagi para pecinta bercocok tanam, mentimun Camri F1 dari Bintang Asia hadir bagaikan permata tersembunyi, siap memanjakan lidahContinue Reading

Keuntungan Budidaya Tanaman Mentimun Budidaya tanaman mentimun memiliki banyak keuntungan yang menarik bagi petani, baik dari segi ekonomi maupun ekologi. Tanaman ini terkenal mudah ditanam dan cepat panen, membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang ideal bagi mereka yang baru memulai di bidang pertanian. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas 8 Keuntungan BudidayaContinue Reading

Kebutuhan Benih Mentimun per Hektar, Strategi Optimalisasi Produksi Mentimun (Cucumis sativus) adalah salah satu sayuran yang populer di Indonesia. Selain disukai karena rasanya yang segar, mentimun juga memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang beragam. Untuk para petani yang ingin menanam mentimun secara optimal, penting untuk mengetahui berapa banyak benih yang dibutuhkan perContinue Reading

The most profitable types of agricultural crops Agricultural plants are plants that are planted and maintained for the purpose of food production, industrial raw materials, medicines, or other purposes. Agricultural crops can be food crops such as rice, corn, wheat, and soybeans, or horticultural crops such as fruits, vegetables, andContinue Reading

Promosi Benih Jagung Betras 9 merk Bintang Asia Pada acara Farm Field Day yang diselenggarakan di kecamatan kunir kabupaten Lumajang, Presiden Direktur PT Benih Citra Asia, Slamet Sulistiyono, memaparkan kepada para petani bahwa perusahaan yang beliau pimpin murni milik bangsa Indonesia ( bukan milik asing ).Perusahaan yang sudah eksis selamaContinue Reading


How to Cultivate Cucumbers in Rice Fields Cucumber is a vegetable commodity that is consumed by many people. That is why many farmers cultivate it, apart from the fact that cucumbers are fast-harvesting crops, so the turnover of capital is fast. Cucumber plants can also adapt from the lowlands toContinue Reading

Cultivating Cucumber in the best way Cultivating Cucumber in the best way ,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way. Cucumber Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), known by other names timun (Java), bontengContinue Reading