
The Ninth Crop Seed Festival: Strategic Steps Towards Indonesia’s Food Self-Sufficiency by 2045 To promote national food self-sufficiency and improve farmers’ welfare, especially in the face of El Nino or prolonged drought, the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has once again organized the Ninth Crop Seed Festival. With the theme “AchievingContinue Reading

Di tengah tantangan iklim yang tak menentu dan serangan hama yang semakin ganas, petani Indonesia terus berjuang untuk meningkatkan produktivitas jagung super. Namun, seberkas cahaya kini hadir menerangi ladang-ladang mereka. Benih jagung unggul merk Bintang Asia telah menjadi primadona baru, membawa harapan bagi para petani untuk meraih kesuksesan. Mengapa PetaniContinue Reading

Membongkar Rahasia Panen Jagung Pakan Melimpah: Panduan Lengkap dari Akar Hingga Tongkol Jagung pakan, si primadona peternakan, tak henti memikat para pembudidaya dengan potensi keuntungannya yang menjanjikan. Namun, di balik tongkol emasnya, terbentang petualangan budidaya yang tak selalu mudah. Artikel ini hadir bagaikan peta harta karun, mengantarkan Anda menguak rahasiaContinue Reading

Bootcamp Bintang asiA 2024 PT. Benih Citra Asia Calling! For you, influencers who have interests, talents, and content segmentation in the agriculture world. Get ready to be part of the Bintang asiA Influencer Bootcamp 2024.   What is the Bintang asiA Influencer Bootcamp 2024? Bintang asiA Influencer Bootcamp 2024 isContinue Reading

Sweet corn, with its deliciously sweet taste and versatility in culinary delights, is a beloved crop for many gardeners and farmers alike. However, the success of growing quality sweet corn starts with choosing the right seeds. Here are five essential ways to choose the perfect sweet corn seeds: Understanding SweetContinue Reading

To cultivate melons on a large scale, it is better to buy reliable melon seeds or quality melon seeds. One of the indicators is that the seeds are produced by branded seed-producing companies.   Because every seed and branded seed-producing company always has its own plant seed research and developmentContinue Reading

Definition of Hybrid Corn Hybrid corn itself is one type of corn that has the first offspring of cross-breeding between female corn plants with male corn plants, each of which has individual properties homogeneous and superior heterozygous   The hybrid corn seeds go through a cross-breeding process with themselves naturallyContinue Reading

Commemoration of the company’s birthday which is an important celebration to commemorate the inception of the company. There are many creative ideas that can be adapted to enliven the series of birthday celebrations for PT Benih Citra Asia so that they can make a good impression on many people. PTContinue Reading

There is immense satisfaction in creating your own garden plan — the satisfaction derived from relaxing or entertaining in the garden as well as the satisfaction that comes from a job well done. The effort that you expend in planning and executing a design unique to you will add toContinue Reading

Apa saja keunggulan jagung hibrida? Kelebihan jagung hibrida bersumber pada hasil kapasitas produksinya senantiasa bertambah pesat dekat 8- 12 ton per hektar, lebih tahan terhadap hama penyakit, lebih instan pembuatan pemupukan, pertanaman, serta tongkol lebih sejenis     Bagaimana kelebihan jagung hibrida dibanding jagung umumnya? Keunggulan jagung hibrida merupakan kapasitasContinue Reading