Is it possible chili peppers can live at 1500-1700 mdpl? FARM FIELD DAY (FFD) The answer is YES!! Farm Field Day is an event that is regularly held to bring together Indonesian farmers from different regions in Indonesia to see first-hand the crops of Benih Bintang Asia. PT Benih CitraContinue Reading

What Are the Agricultural Sectors in Southeast Asia? Southeast Asia is renowned for its rich biodiversity and natural resources, making agriculture a cornerstone of the region’s economy. But what are the key agricultural sectors that thrive in this region, and how do they contribute to local livelihoods? This article delvesContinue Reading

A Journey of Dedication and Achievement PT Benih Citra Asia proudly celebrates its 19th anniversary, marking nearly two decades of unwavering dedication and remarkable achievements. With the theme “19th Anniversary: Success Together with Bintang Asia for Indonesia’s Food Security,” this milestone reflects the company’s commitment to innovation and collaboration. SinceContinue Reading

Ever Felt Frustrated Because Your Big Chili Plant Was Attacked by a Virus? Virus attacks are often a big obstacle for chili farmers. Diseases caused by viruses can cause significant losses, ranging from decreased productivity to plant death. But by you choose the right variety, you can minimize these risks,Continue Reading

Cucumber is a plant that is closely related to watermelon, winter melon, and cantaloupe. This plant is highly dependent on water to produce sweet, crisp fruits with a firm texture throughout. Cucumber is considered a difficult plant to cultivate from seed sowing, vegetative, and generative periods until harvest. Learning fromContinue Reading


The Ninth Crop Seed Festival: Strategic Steps Towards Indonesia’s Food Self-Sufficiency by 2045 To promote national food self-sufficiency and improve farmers’ welfare, especially in the face of El Nino or prolonged drought, the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has once again organized the Ninth Crop Seed Festival. With the theme “AchievingContinue Reading

Di tengah tantangan iklim yang tak menentu dan serangan hama yang semakin ganas, petani Indonesia terus berjuang untuk meningkatkan produktivitas jagung super. Namun, seberkas cahaya kini hadir menerangi ladang-ladang mereka. Benih jagung unggul merk Bintang Asia telah menjadi primadona baru, membawa harapan bagi para petani untuk meraih kesuksesan. Mengapa PetaniContinue Reading

Membongkar Rahasia Panen Jagung Pakan Melimpah: Panduan Lengkap dari Akar Hingga Tongkol Jagung pakan, si primadona peternakan, tak henti memikat para pembudidaya dengan potensi keuntungannya yang menjanjikan. Namun, di balik tongkol emasnya, terbentang petualangan budidaya yang tak selalu mudah. Artikel ini hadir bagaikan peta harta karun, mengantarkan Anda menguak rahasiaContinue Reading

Menjelajahi Keistimewaan Mentimun Camri F1 Di tengah hiruk pikuk kehidupan modern, kesegaran alam bagaikan oase yang menyejukkan. Salah satu anugerah alam yang patut disyukuri adalah mentimun, si hijau renyah yang kaya manfaat. Bagi para pecinta bercocok tanam, mentimun Camri F1 dari Bintang Asia hadir bagaikan permata tersembunyi, siap memanjakan lidahContinue Reading

Keuntungan Budidaya Tanaman Mentimun Budidaya tanaman mentimun memiliki banyak keuntungan yang menarik bagi petani, baik dari segi ekonomi maupun ekologi. Tanaman ini terkenal mudah ditanam dan cepat panen, membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang ideal bagi mereka yang baru memulai di bidang pertanian. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas 8 Keuntungan BudidayaContinue Reading