How to Plant Sweet Corn for Big Fruits and Fertilization Corn plants have fiber roots consisting of primary, secondary, and adventitious roots. Primary roots are temporary, while the surviving roots are adventitious roots or fiber roots. The function of primary and secondary roots will be replaced permanently. In contrast, adventitiousContinue Reading

The south Jakarta government trains citizen to cultivate chilli The South Jakarta City Food, Fisheries and Maritime Security Service train residents to cultivate chilli peppers to prevent increased commodity prices that contribute to inflation. Oerip Syarifuddin, the Agricultural Extension Center coordinator for the South Jakarta City KPKP Sub-dept., said thatContinue Reading

How to cultivate red chili with free anthracnose and get 255 million rupiah in a harvest Cultivation of red chilies to get a harvest of 255 million in just one crop? at the same time free from Various diseases, especially anthracnose. How could that be? Of course, it can beContinue Reading

Cultivate chillies in covid 19 pandemic The Covid-19 pandemic makes the community’s economy sluggish. But it is not discouraged residents in several villages in Malang Regency, East Java, from surviving through several creations that have been created. Among them, residents of Dampit Malang Regency who cultivate ornamental chili plants. EvenContinue Reading

Cultivating Cucumber in the best way Cultivating Cucumber in the best way ,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way. Cucumber Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), known by other names timun (Java), bontengContinue Reading