Many folks that hold gardens have a big quantity of natural waste, from grass clippings to leaves and lifeless plant life. Unluckily, many waste time and money having those wastes transported to a landfill. It isn’t only a waste of suitable compost; it’s a waste of the whole thing thatContinue Reading

Hydroponics Gardening Hydroponics was derived from the Greek phrase hydro, which means that “water” and ponos, this means that “hard work or water-operating”. Hydroponics gardening includes growing flowers with their roots in different nutrient solutions and without soil. Hydroponics gardening is as simple as everyday gardening. Both of them necessitateContinue Reading

Garden Composting Tips- The Art of Composting Ven a composting neophyte can create pinnacle-notch compost with the right recipe. Comparable to cooking, composting is half art, and half of technological know-how. Consciousness of those primary factors will help you getting started out. Much like a chef needs high excellent elements,Continue Reading

A look at Plants and the colorful flowers on it at the garden or backyard calls for creativity. The plants to live for a long time require beautiful planter boxes with concrete structure or wooden structure.  Planter boxes are available in different styles and shapes and colors. Planter box isContinue Reading

There is immense satisfaction in creating your own garden plan — the satisfaction derived from relaxing or entertaining in the garden as well as the satisfaction that comes from a job well done. The effort that you expend in planning and executing a design unique to you will add toContinue Reading

jagung hibrida

Jagung hibrida sendiri merupakan salah satu jenis jagung yang memiliki keturunan pertama dari perkawinan silang antara tanaman jagung betina dengan tanaman jagung jantan, masing-masing keduanya memiliki sifat individu homogen dan heterozigot yang unggul Benih jagung hibrida tersebut melalui proses pembuatan silang dengan  sendirinya secara alami yang nantinya dikembangbiakkan melalui prosesContinue Reading

Promosi Benih Jagung Betras 9 merk Bintang Asia Pada acara Farm Field Day yang diselenggarakan di kecamatan kunir kabupaten Lumajang, Presiden Direktur PT Benih Citra Asia, Slamet Sulistiyono, memaparkan kepada para petani bahwa perusahaan yang beliau pimpin murni milik bangsa Indonesia ( bukan milik asing ).Perusahaan yang sudah eksis selamaContinue Reading

A Complete Guide: The best way to plant cantaloupe Cantaloupe is a fruit-producing plant that is widely used as a refreshing drink in the Southeast Asian region, beside suri cucumber. Cantaloupe is similar to melon but in a different cultivation group, cantaloupe is in the Cantalupensis group. Cantaloupe generally hasContinue Reading

How to Take Care of Melon Plants in the Rainy Season Planting melons during the rainy season is certainly not the same as caring for watermelons in the rainy season, but both require extra effort when compared to the dry season. However, this does not mean that carrying out theContinue Reading

The Distribution of Aid materials for the victims of Mount Semeru’s eruption December 4, 2021 – Mount Semeru, the , experiences a large eruption. The sudden eruption of Mount Semeru has claimed many lives and material losses which are increasing every day. The rural communities around the foot of MountContinue Reading