benih bintang asia

Here are several tips for creating a wonderful hanging basket or container this summer.  The first is to use an artificial soil composed mostly of peat moss.  Good soils such as Fafard or Pro-Mix use perlite, peat, and other ingredients to produce a soil that will not compact over theContinue Reading

Apa saja keunggulan jagung hibrida? Kelebihan jagung hibrida bersumber pada hasil kapasitas produksinya senantiasa bertambah pesat dekat 8- 12 ton per hektar, lebih tahan terhadap hama penyakit, lebih instan pembuatan pemupukan, pertanaman, serta tongkol lebih sejenis     Bagaimana kelebihan jagung hibrida dibanding jagung umumnya? Keunggulan jagung hibrida merupakan kapasitasContinue Reading

jagung hibrida

Jagung hibrida sendiri merupakan salah satu jenis jagung yang memiliki keturunan pertama dari perkawinan silang antara tanaman jagung betina dengan tanaman jagung jantan, masing-masing keduanya memiliki sifat individu homogen dan heterozigot yang unggul Benih jagung hibrida tersebut melalui proses pembuatan silang dengan  sendirinya secara alami yang nantinya dikembangbiakkan melalui prosesContinue Reading

A Complete Guide: The best way to plant cantaloupe Cantaloupe is a fruit-producing plant that is widely used as a refreshing drink in the Southeast Asian region, beside suri cucumber. Cantaloupe is similar to melon but in a different cultivation group, cantaloupe is in the Cantalupensis group. Cantaloupe generally hasContinue Reading

Cultivation of Feed Corn for maximum results Corn has long been cultivated by Indonesian farmers and is the second staple crop after rice. As a result, corn has a vital role in the agribusiness-based industry. Constraints in corn cultivation that cause low corn productivity include pests and diseases. Farmer’s currentContinue Reading

How to Plant Sweet Corn for Big Fruits and Fertilization Corn plants have fiber roots consisting of primary, secondary, and adventitious roots. Primary roots are temporary, while the surviving roots are adventitious roots or fiber roots. The function of primary and secondary roots will be replaced permanently. In contrast, adventitiousContinue Reading

How to cultivate red chili with free anthracnose and get 255 million rupiah in a harvest Cultivation of red chilies to get a harvest of 255 million in just one crop? at the same time free from Various diseases, especially anthracnose. How could that be? Of course, it can beContinue Reading

Cultivating Cucumber in the best way Cultivating Cucumber in the best way ,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way. Cucumber Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), known by other names timun (Java), bontengContinue Reading

The watermelon Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Schard) is one of the most important horticultural crops in the tropics and even sub-tropics because watermelon plants can provide considerable benefits. It is said that The watermelon plant comes from the Kalahari Desert in Africa, then spread to all corners of the world, especiallyContinue Reading