Promosi Benih Jagung Betras 9 merk Bintang Asia Pada acara Farm Field Day yang diselenggarakan di kecamatan kunir kabupaten Lumajang, Presiden Direktur PT Benih Citra Asia, Slamet Sulistiyono, memaparkan kepada para petani bahwa perusahaan yang beliau pimpin murni milik bangsa Indonesia ( bukan milik asing ).Perusahaan yang sudah eksis selamaContinue Reading

Tuesday, August 23, 2022, PT. Benih Citra Asia has a special guest from the Land of the White Elephant, Thailand. He is Mr. Mike, the representative from the biggest seed companies in the world, Syngenta. He went to PT. Benih Citra Asia to speak with Mr. Slamet Sulistiyono, the presidentContinue Reading

There are much things to be noticed in cultivating Chilli People’s need for chili continues to soar. On the other hand, although it is always available throughout the year, there is often a shortage due to several factors. Starting from crop failure, weather to distribution. In short, chili cultivation requiresContinue Reading

Compost Cultivation Method Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, Compost Cultivation Method, How to Make Compost How to Make Compost Fertilizer is discussedContinue Reading