Cultivating Cucumber in the best way Cultivating Cucumber in the best way ,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way,Cultivating Cucumber in the best way. Cucumber Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), known by other names timun (Java), bontengContinue Reading

How to make cucumber seeds independently How to make cucumber seeds independently,How to make cucumber seeds independently,How to make cucumber seeds independently,How to make cucumber seeds independently,How to make cucumber seeds independently,How to make cucumber seeds independently,How to make cucumber seeds independently,How to make cucumber seeds independently. History Cucumber CucumberContinue Reading

The watermelon Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Schard) is one of the most important horticultural crops in the tropics and even sub-tropics because watermelon plants can provide considerable benefits. It is said that The watermelon plant comes from the Kalahari Desert in Africa, then spread to all corners of the world, especiallyContinue Reading

Agricultural Industry as the strength of Nation PRESIDENT talks about agriculture PRESIDENT Joko Widodo said that the future of a nation is primarily determined by three strategic sectors, namely the food, energy and water resources sectors. In the Jokowi-Ma’ruf 2019-2024 government, the agricultural industry still becomes the point of strengthContinue Reading

Cara Mudah Mengobati dan Mencegah Cacar Buah Melon Dengan Benar Penyakit yang sering muncul adalah, kehadiran suatu penyakit yang menyerang melon tanaman untuk mengurangi kualitas melon. Hambatan ini, salah satunya adalah cacar. Cacar buah yang terjadi pada melon secara fisik disabilitas yang terkandung dalam kulit melon dengan basah atau keringContinue Reading

Tips Memilih Benih Melon yang Benar Melon merupakan salah satu meja favorit masyarakat Indonesia. Mengapa tidak legit dan rasa segar, buah ini sering digunakan sebagai jus dan campuran minuman dingin segar. Namun, manfaat melon tidak hanya makanan, tapi juga efektif untuk kesehatan. Hal ini karena kandungan nutrisi yang terkandung dalamContinue Reading