Watermelon is a very popular fruit among Indonesians because it tastes sweet, and crunchy, contains a lot of water and the price is quite affordable. Watermelon is known to contain quite a lot of lycopene, which is effective in killing cancer cells.   Plus watermelon fruit contains carotenoid pigments, whichContinue Reading

Definition of Hybrid Corn Hybrid corn itself is one type of corn that has the first offspring of cross-breeding between female corn plants with male corn plants, each of which has individual properties homogeneous and superior heterozygous   The hybrid corn seeds go through a cross-breeding process with themselves naturallyContinue Reading

jagung hibrida

Jagung hibrida sendiri merupakan salah satu jenis jagung yang memiliki keturunan pertama dari perkawinan silang antara tanaman jagung betina dengan tanaman jagung jantan, masing-masing keduanya memiliki sifat individu homogen dan heterozigot yang unggul Benih jagung hibrida tersebut melalui proses pembuatan silang dengan  sendirinya secara alami yang nantinya dikembangbiakkan melalui prosesContinue Reading

Kunjungan Al Habib Ali Bin Abdulloh Al Aydrus, Imam Masjid Assegaf dari Tarim Beliau adalah Al-Habib Ali bin Abdillah Alaydrus (Tarim-Hadramaut), beliau adalah seorang yang ‘Allamah terutama dalam ilmu Qira’at, karena beliau  memiliki sana  Qira’at yang dekat dengan Rasulullah Saw, dan beliau adalah imam di Masjid yang penuh berkah yaituContinue Reading

Tuesday, August 23, 2022, PT. Benih Citra Asia has a special guest from the Land of the White Elephant, Thailand. He is Mr. Mike, the representative from the biggest seed companies in the world, Syngenta. He went to PT. Benih Citra Asia to speak with Mr. Slamet Sulistiyono, the presidentContinue Reading

Rice Seeding, is a method in which rice seeds are sown Because the month of rice planting has arrived, farmers in the Ajung sub-district, in collaboration with the Ajung region’s Agricultural Extension Officer, Sri Wahyuni, have begun to prepare for planting rice and carry out the rice seeding process, orContinue Reading

PT. Benih Citra Asia again received a visit from the Department of Food Security and the Department of Food Crops and Horticulture of West Papua Province   News Today – After a few days ago receiving a visit from Papua, today (17/03/2022) PT. Benih Citra Asia again received a visitContinue Reading